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Terms & Conditions for BareCamp 2025

We request and require all visitors to comply with Bare West Events' and Thorney Lakes' terms and conditions, which are in addition, and complementary, to Thorney Lake’s standard terms.


  1. The use of threatening behaviour and/or foul and abusive language will not be tolerated and will result in the offender being asked to leave by a member of Bare West Events Ltd and/or  Thorney Lakes Staff. Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes reserve the right to refuse or terminate admission, without refund, to anyone who does not adhere to expected customary codes of conduct for attendance at naturist events.

  2. Should your behaviour fall below the standard of naturist etiquette at any time, then you may be asked to leave the event with no refund and be prevented from attending any future Bare West Events.

  3. Please show consideration for other members and visitors and ensure that everyone conducts themselves at all times with due regard to the health and safety of both themselves and others.

  4. Do not walk, drive, or cycle off the site naked. Anyone attending Thorney Lakes is not to be naked outside of the camp site’s boundaries unless on a Bare West Events organised activity. Anyone asked to leave under these circumstances will not be allowed to attend any future Bare West Events at Thorney Lakes and will not be eligible for any refund.

  5. Bare West Events accepts advance bookings on the understanding that applicants provide the correct information at the time of booking. If information is deemed to have been incorrect upon arrival on site, Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes reserve the right to revoke the booking and refuse entry to the site.

  6. Admission to the site is entirely at the discretion of Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes. In the interests of security, everyone must stop and report to reception immediately on arrival at the site, then complete a registration form which will be retained by the Bare West Events for 28 days. Once completed, a wristband will be issued which must be worn on the wrist at all times, remain visible and may be subject to random security checks.

  7. Anyone who is on bail, released under investigation, has received a caution, conviction or is under suspicion of committing a sexually related offence, including and not limited to bringing naturism into disrepute, will not be permitted entry to Thorney Lakes. Anyone suspected of contravening this will be asked to leave the site immediately, without any refund until they can supply Government approved documentation refuting any allegation. This is in the interests of all to ensure the site and event remains a safe environment.

  8. Thorney Lakes is only open to new arrivals between 0900hrs and 1800hrs. After this time reception is closed and people arriving outside these times must contact Bare West Events Ltd 24hrs prior to arrival to arrange entry. Pitches are available from 1200hrs. Where a booking is not taken up within 24hrs of the 1200hrs start time, unless Bare West Events Ltd have been contacted by email or phone and an amendment receipted, we may determine that the pitch is available for reallocation.

  9. Pitches must be vacated by 1100hrs on the day of departure and a day pass purchased (discounted rate of £5 per person), if required. Failure to vacate the pitch without due cause will incur a penalty of £50.

  10. If you wish to cancel your booking you must advise Bare West Events Ltd immediately by email. We will incur substantial additional administration costs when a booking is cancelled, therefore a cancellation charge will be incurred as follows:

  • Up to 100 days prior to the start of the event = £20 fee (day visitor £5)

  • 40 – 100 days notice prior to the start of the event = 75% refund

  • 29 – 39 days notice prior to the start of the event = 50% refund

  • 15 – 28 days notice prior to the start of the event = 25% refund

  • 8 – 14 days notice prior to the start of the event = 10% refund

  • 7 days or less prior to the start of the event = NO refund

11.  In exceptional circumstances beyond our control we may have to cancel a booking. If we do so, we will inform the person who made the booking as soon as possible prior to the date and they will receive a full refund. We also reserve the right to change an allocated pitch either on arrival or during a stay. A pitch is an area designed to accommodate one sleeping area i.e. a tent with or without an awning and a vehicle. Any extra vehicle must be parked in the visitors’ car park.


12. People with disabilities are encouraged to contact Bare West Events Ltd in advance so that any concerns, worries, or potential access problems are discussed to ensure that, where possible, the site can meet a person’s needs and expectations. The site is a working farm and not all areas are fully accessible.

13. Bare West Events Ltd are a welcoming company and wish to provide naturist events for all. However, we are not Care Providers and we do not have the expertise or resources to meet all of an individual's requirements. Official Carers who are providing your additional needs will therefore need to attend the event with you.

14. Attendees and visitors to the site are not to trade or solicit business on site, or tout, or engage in commercial advertising without prior permission having been obtained from Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes.

15. In the event of poor ground conditions a particular pitch may not be available. Bare West Events Ltd will endeavour to advise you in advance should this occur, although no responsibility can be accepted if this is not possible. In general terms pitches will be allocated on arrival. Pitching is designed with safety in mind. Please site your accommodation as requested by your pitching marshal on arrival. Their decision is final.

16. Visitors and contractors must familiarise themselves with the site's fire regulations, fire exits and fire-fighting equipment and their location as soon as they arrive on site. Barbecues must be purpose-built and portable, standing clear of the ground. There must be no possibility of damage to the ground. Only gas or charcoal barbecues may be used. Unauthorised campfires, flares and fire-based wind lanterns are not permitted.

17. Chemical disposal points must be used for the disposal of waste. Temporary or permanent toilets must NOT be used for this purpose. Anyone found having emptied waste down a toilet will be liable for any cost incurred in cleaning out filters or unblocking drains or associated issues.

18. For your safety, we have a "six metre rule" which means that units (excluding guy ropes) must be 6 metres apart from adjacent units in order to protect against fire. Any barbecue unit (along with any ancillary equipment) must fit within the confines of your pitch whilst maintaining the 6 metre rule. If this cannot be achieved you may need to purchase an additional pitch (if available) or remove the ancillary equipment.

19. People attending Thorney Lakes must ensure that any electrical cable used by them, particularly from the hook-up point to a pitch, is safe. Ideally all privately owned cabling should be protected by a residual current device (RCD).


20. Any power generated by a stand-alone generator to provide power to hook ups will be switched off at 2330hrs and only started again at 0700hrs to prevent noise issues and to conserve fuel.

21. A ‘NO illegal drugs' policy is operated by Bare West Events Ltd and anyone found to be using or dealing controlled drugs (as defined by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971) will be evicted from the site without refund and the Police will be notified.

22. Smokers must use the designated smoking areas or the confines of their pitch. Smokers must be mindful that Thorney Lakes is also a farm and crops may be at risk from fire.

23. Pets are welcome on site, but owners are responsible for the behaviour of their animals. Animals are not allowed to be loose on site and are to be kept on a lead no longer than 2 metres. Please exercise animals in the areas provided, or off site, and not on the events field. Ensure that your pets do not foul the site. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after them. If it is deemed that a pet is creating a nuisance or causing disturbance to others, the owner will be asked to remove them from the site.

24. It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to ensure children and young people are supervised at all times, on and off site. Special attention should be given to the use of toilet blocks, participation in events or sessions, and near areas of water.

25. Noise must be kept to a reasonable level at all times, with any amplified noise being switched off at 2230hrs so as not to disturb the enjoyment of others. Attendees are advised that some of the organised entertainment may be noisy.  Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes reserve the right to enforce noise levels to an acceptable level.

26. Vehicle drivers, motorcyclists, and cyclists are required to adhere to the site’s 5 mph speed limit and follow any one way system in place. Disabled parking is available for those people displaying a Blue Disabled badge. All roads and paths, including temporary lanes, must be kept free of any obstruction to allow the free passage of emergency vehicles. Surplus car parking is available and is to be used by day visitors and campers with excess vehicles. 

27. Rubbish should be recycled wherever possible. Please remember that the festival is held on agricultural land so please do not leave behind any rubbish, including cigarette remains, can rings, metal pegs, or similar, that could cause harm to livestock.

28. If a unit or other property is left at the site without payment or prior arrangement, Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes shall be entitled to make such arrangements as it may deem fit for the removal or storage of such property. The expense of such storage or removal shall be charged to you. If you fail to pay such an account within 14 days Bare West Events Ltd may make such further arrangements as deemed fit to dispose of the property to reimburse the company for out-of-pocket expenses and/or to recover any unpaid fees due.

29. All items of lost property will be retained for 7 days. Items not claimed after this period will be donated to a local charity. This includes any monies. Any items that are not of use to any of the local charities will be disposed of. Where the owner is readily identifiable items will be either directly returned to the owner (if still on site) or they will be contacted where possible. Where items of property are claimed the claimant will be expected to provide a description of the item(s) lost sufficient to confirm identity. The claimant must pay for postage and packing if incurred and if relevant sign for all items claimed.

30. Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage (howsoever caused) to property, including, particularly but not exclusively, personal belongings, cash, jewellery and other valuables, electrical or photographic equipment, caravanning and camping equipment, animals and motor vehicles.

31. To ensure people have a safe, enjoyable experience and to prevent and detect crime Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes may exchange personal data with Government agencies and any relevant party with a legitimate interest.

32. For safety and security Bare West Events operates a 24hr Automatic Number Plate Recognition System (ANPR).  Any data recorded will be deleted 14 days after BareCamp finishes. All attendees are required to provide the correct registration number of their vehicle when on site.

33. Photography is permitted on a person’s own pitch only with the express permission of everyone within the picture. Cameras are not allowed in other areas, unless being taken to an organised photographic shoot, session or similar. Mobile phones must not be used to take pictures except as authorised here. Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes reserve the right to inspect devices for evidence of such and anyone taking, producing or recording images may be asked to leave the event.

34. Overt genital piercing and/or jewellery is not permitted and attendees may be asked to remove such items. If this is not possible, or a person refuses to do so, they may be asked to leave the festival.

35. Bare West Events Ltd makes great efforts to ensure everyone feels included and safe at all our events. All genders are welcome and we aim to be as inclusive as possible. To avoid an imbalance of genders, we aim to have a maximum ratio of 60/40 attendance balance at events with the aim of trying to offer a reasonable adjustment to avoid anyone feeling like they are in a minority. This is a general guideline and may not be precisely met at every event, but will guide our acceptance of bookings

36. Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes accept no responsibility and financial liability (excluding any liability for death or personal injury due to negligence of the companies, or their agents), shall be limited to the return of monies received, in the event of accommodation (booked in good faith) not being available owing to exceptional weather conditions, flood or fire, or any other cause beyond its control.


Covid measures

To reassure everyone BareCamp will be adhering to all Government guidelines for events in force at that time.  We will ensure, and ask for your co-operation in operating, a Covid secure environment. Closer to the dates of the event any important amendments to rules, guidelines or advice will be communicated for everyone’s information and compliance. For the safety of all we will have to enforce any such revised restrictions and health-related instructions. When considering a booking please note that any Covid compliance implications, lateral flow tests, proof of vaccination etc. will be the responsibility of the individual and any such cost will not be borne by Bare West Events Ltd and/or Thorney Lakes or its associates. Thorney Lakes will be supplying gels, wipes and all the normal organisational sanitising equipment and undertaking cleaning regimes.


Reviewed 24/11/2024

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